Miraculous Medal Blue
Growing up Gam had given me a chain to have my miraculous Medal on, along with many other saint medals. You could always hear me coming and going about my day because of it, kind of like the Catholic version of those squeaky or light up shoes for kids haha although that definitely was not the point. As I got older and sometimes didn't want to wear it as I wanted to wear pretty necklaces that I felt couldn't go with it or because of sports - playing softball any jewlery was an automatic out for you. Gam made sure to combat this issue by putting the miraculous medal in many different places for me to find later. Some examples include sewing them in my pockets or jackets and if she didn't have time to sew they would end up in pockets and places regardless haha. When I went on my first trip which was to Mexico on a social justice trip I found in a less obvious compartment in my suitcase with a whole bunch of them. This always brought a deep little smile to my heart even though I didn't always understand it, but man am I grateful for her persistence and Catholic Betty White behaviours and ways. She was so funny and had such a beautiful trust in Our Lord and devotion to Our Lady, she imitated them both so well. This rosary is inspired by the seemingly endless amounts of miraculous medals that I found placed by Gam and also the many that I know I haven't! there truly is so much beauty and detail of our faith on the front and back of this medal. Another thing I look forward to in continuing with my little family.
This rosary is made with 8mm fossil stone, with 8mm blue jade with gold accents on the glory be's along with a blue enamel miraculous medal center and a blue enameled crucifix made in Italy. $45
*8mm size in photo